SG guitar kit build

I picked up an SG style DIY guitar kit from diyguitarkits. The kit was very basic and being my first build I put it together using the parts that came in the kit.

The overall quality of the components felt very cheap and basic so I decided to upgrade some of the parts. Most importantly the pickups, tuners, the neck nut, volume and tone knobs, pots and also install some coil splitting and series parallel wiring.

I went with Wilkinson Humbucker Guitar Pickups (pair of zebra pickups).

For tuners i decided on some vintage tuners.

I also installed some trapezoid fret markers to give it a better appearance.

Majority of my components were sourced through

For the finish I went with four layers of gun stock oil and accidentally landed with a cool rustic look. This was because the earlier coats of Tru-oil that i'd applied had penetrated pretty deep into the wood grain.

The best parts of this build was adjusting the Truss rod and fixing the bow in the neck. Also the filing down of the new bone nut to get the exact height was quite a test of my patience.

 I've played some demo clips in different pickup positions so you can hear what it sounds like. This was recorded directly into Pod Farm 2 using a Lamda audio ASIO interface.
